I have had the great pleasure of working with hundreds of different individuals during my travels, here is what some of them had to say about their Dolo’s Fitness experience...​
-Annmarie P.
Dolo's Fitness program helped me to not only lose weight but gain a new lifestyle overall. As a chronic pain sufferer, the overall build/change in exercise and diet helped to curb a great deal of the pain. In particular, Dolo himself helped me to gain a sense of confidence and courage to always tackle any workout. It was a great and unexpected pleasure to work with him. I encourage EVERYONE to utilize this program.
Annmarie Payne
~ Now 30lbs lighter! 
​-Nicki B.
Hey, I am Nicki .. Since working in the culinary field, I have gained unwanted pounds. I needed a healthier and fitter ME! So, I inquired in dolo's fitness help! My first day of working out with him, felt like hell. Well damn everyday tested my will power to continue , but I felt so great after he helped me climb over every wall. That is what helped me continue, to get to a better me !! Let's WORK some more !! Dolo!
-Janelle L.
Dolo is a great trainer. He pushes you beyond your limit to help you achieve your goal. He doesn't accept "I can't" and he doesn't let you slide because you hate jumping jacks like I do! :) He gets results!
-Kayode S.
Dolo is everything you'd want in a fitness mentor- rugged, determined, and disciplined. He's genuinely in love with his craft, and it reflects through every session. This guy's a winner!
-Safiya D.
Since working with Dolo's fitness I have lost 33lbs. Not only did I lose the weight but I am managing to keep it off. Working with Dolo's Fitness gave me a love for health, wellness and physical fitness that will stay with me forever. It has also helped me to build my self confidence and believe that I can do anything I put my mind body and soul into. I am a new me and I owe it all to Dolo's Fitness. Let's Work!!!!!!
-Mimi K.
​I would say that Dolo's fitness possesses a both personalized and professional touch to training. I walk away feeling empowered no matter how challenging the workout was. I walk away with a sense of accomplishment that follows me for the entire day, week, month. That feeling of "wow, I really just did that...well maybe I can do this this and this too!". He pushes you to a point of belief in yourself while allowing you to find that inner strength that you may not have even known existed. Dolo's fitness is a way of life.
-Mimi Kamara
Working with Doyen has been one of my greatest investments healthwise. I have seen significant improvements in the way I l​ook and the muscular strength I have and this was only in the space of 8-10 weeks! I never thought I would be able to see and feel the significant changes I did in such a short space of time. I would highly recommend Doyen to anyone who is serious about wanting to improve their appearance and strength in a short space of time. He is very professional and will do everything he can to make you achieve your goals.
-Julie D.
There was a point that i gained so much weight that i became uncomfortable in my own skin. My breaking point was when I saw a picture of myself and starting crying. It was December 1st and Dolo put together a 1 month insane work out workout and diet plan that help bring back my figure and self esteem, his work ethic and motivation is truly amazing and allowed me to look and feel sexy again!!!
Daily activities such as running up and down flights of steps are so much easier. This is important to me because one, I live in NY and two, I live in a 3 story walk up. One of my weaknesses when I first
started training with you was my lack of strength in my upper body and only after a few weeks I feel a difference when I do day to day tasks such as carrying groceries and laundry. My quality of life is so much
better because of you and for this, I thank you.
-Lakeva W.
I lost 30 pounds in 3 months. One thing I can say is that I never went home in pain. Dolo used different techniques to help me build muscles to go to the next level to burn more calories. In a month, I was able to notice a difference in my sleeping patterns, energy, and my breathing when I walked upstairs. I could not have asked for a better trainer. His drive, patience and knowledge were the perfect combination in helping me reach my goal in becoming healthier.
In those 3 months Dolo has taught me:
*that sometimes you have to make sacrifices to reach your goal
*body shape and health is sometimes more important than numbers on a scale
" Dolo was my first personal trainer ever, I told him what I wanted to achieve and he helped me get there.... He doesn't play... And because of that ... I looked great... He's the best"
In 2010 I was frustrated with where my weight was, so a friend of mine told me about Dolos Fitness. I was a little uneasy about a personal trainer, but my friend really raved about her success with him. I instantly saw results. I even started to look forward to working out! I was losing weight and had more energy. Before I realized it, I was motivated to exercise by myself! I felt great, and I started to fit in clothes I wasn't able to wear in a long time. Dolo gave me the tools and motivation to change not only my weight, but my eating habits and the way I felt about myself. Thanks Dolo!
When beginning my fitness journey, I was looking for someone that could help me take my workout to another level so I could get real results. The challenge was that I needed someone that was knowledgeable enough to know what I could and couldn’t do because of my previous injuries. Prior to working with Doyen, I’ve worked with a few other personal trainers but after our first session I knew he was different from the rest. Doyen is the type of trainer that takes the time to educate his clients on health lifestyle choices and provides them with the tools to successfully achieve their fitness goals. Doyen is an amazing trainer. He definitely keeps you on your toes by introducing new workouts and targeting different muscles with every session so that your body doesn’t get use to a certain regimen that will result in minimal outcomes. Whenever I felt I couldn’t do a workout or was simply too exhausted to continue, Doyen would always have something positive to say to encourage me to keep on going. After each session I found that I had more energy and felt better about myself.
Anyone who is looking for a kind, caring, compassionate, knowledgeable personal trainer with a positive personality I suggest you go the Dolo Way.
Would love to start off by saying dolosfitness is the best thing for my health and soul but during the beginning of our Journey I didn't think I could push myself to the highest but Dolo wouldn't let my spirit give up and I'm thankful for his patience with my attitude and never gave me negative, always repeated time after time "how u feel" but now I know I feel great and I look great ..... Thanks Dolo
Yo this man Dolo is crazy! He will have you doing things that do not make sense, your body will be in the most pain it's ever been in before. You will​ hate him for a long time, unti the moment you realize he is a genius!! The progress you make is amazing. You start to push yourself harder and focus more. Everything goes to another level. But if you're not ready to work then this man is not right for you #POW #LETSWORK
-Jasmine L.
Training with Dolo has been a life changing experience. I started noticing the changes in my body and form right away. Almost immediately I went from training 4 days a week to 7 days a week because I was so happy with the results. This is by far the best investment I have made and I am very happy with Dolo as a trainer and his techniques that have helped bring out the new me!! Thank you for being such an inspiration and for pushing me harder every session to accomplish my goal! #DolosFitness
-Mike L.
Dolo is not only one of my best friends but also the hardest working and most passionate person I know when it comes to personal fitness and overall health. He is highly educated, gifted and driven. Throughout my fighting (MMA, boxing, kicking) career I've trained with some of the best trainers and coaches from around the world and Dolo is definitely up there with the best of them. As a personal trainer Dolo is very knowledgable and is probably one of the only trainers that will actually do the workout with you just to motivate you to finish. So if you're looking for PROFESSIONAL Personal Training, Dolo's Fitness is the way to go....... YOU GON GET THE WORKOUT.
-Keisha S.
From day one
There was a Test
To check my level
See me at my best
My best wasn't much
Felt like I needed a crutch
It was only day one
The rebirth of my body had just begun
Dolo was his name
But nothing too unfamiliar
For his face I had known
Since our younger years
That type of sweat
Was all new to me
So damn hot outside
I could barely see
Legs sore
Sweat dripping
Hardly able to move
But I had to get back into my groove
Of being healthy
I NEED that extra push
And that's what I get
Little by little all the dots seems to connect
Heart racing
Tired & exhausted is a
Workout with Dolo
Might even have you looking right by summer In that new polo
Thought to myself
This fool is out his mind
Something is very Wrong
Great here comes pandora
With them damn hyper ass songs
Is what your going to hear
I just close my eyes and think about the future think about my career
I was warned if your lazy
It's not gonna work
Gotta put in that time & effort
Feel that PAIN feel that HURT
An hour a day & you get what you pay ...
For next day sore as shit
Once again can barely MOVE
Dammit dolo workout is too addictive
Oh shucks I'm back in my GROOVE
The timer
The lunch lady
There "here we go"
Are all so familiar too me now
Before I could not see
What I did to my body
So embarrassed
So pissed
I let myself go
How could I let that happen
Boy I was saddened but,
Thank goodness for my epiphany
That led me to see
What needed to be done.
Four times a week
I get it in
Nothing more
Nothing less
Consistently = PROGRESS
I'm stronger now
I ask myself how
More hyper than ever before
Since this man walk me through
the doors of his world of
Health and Fitness
New body
New me
Damn I missed the old Keisha
Pleasure to reconnect with ya
It's not gonna be easy
Your gonna have to work hard
Pay cash or credit
Shoot swipe with your card
But make that move
Get back into the groove of being healthy & fit
Trust me you won't regret it not in the least not one bit. ​
-Tiffany C.
In 2010 due to very poor eating habits I went from 150 pounds to 175. It affected the way I felt about myself and I became extremely depressed. Two years later I decided to get up and finally do something about it. I was ready to release the sexy beast that lived inside of me. I often wondered if it was even possible. Could I really have the body I always dreamed of? I started slow by changing my eating habits and minimal workout. When I started seeing results I decided to increase the amount of workout to shape the body I could see slowly approaching. However a curve ball was thrown in my plans. The trainer I initially started working with didn't seem to have my best interest in mind. He was very negative and didn't take the time to focus on my needs. I happen to see posts by Doyen "Dolo" Grant on my newsfeed and I decided to reach out to him. From the very beginning we clicked and immediately I noticed how professional he was and most importantly I loved that he LISTENED to my concerns and gave me positive and encouraging feedback. Doyen made me feel like I could accomplish any goal or task that was set for me. I look forward to his different challenges and even when I feel discouraged he reminds me of how far I've come and it puts me right back on track. Doyen is amazing and his dedication to his craft is relentless. I look forward to continue working with him. I look great and most importantly I feel great!
Thank You Doyen!
So when my boyfriend told me he got a "good" personal trainer, I told myself I had to check this guy out. He would always rant about this guy named Dolo and how good he is but I had to see for myself. Come to find out, not only is this guy motivational but he's hardworking and determined to accomplish one's goals. He has taught me different ways and techniques to improve myself not only at being fit but as being healthy as well. By working with me one on one, he put all his focus on me which told me that he cares. Dolo has never let me give up and most importantly has never gave up on me. I am now doing things that I never thought my body could ever handle and I feel more prepared than ever to overcome the obstacles coming in my near future. Dolo is my first ever personal trainer and I think it's safe to say that when I leave him and I need another one, he will be the first I call. I can't thank him enough for what he has done for me. I now feel inspired and driven to pursue anything that comes in my way. Thanks again Dolo!
-Kynyziah S.
After almost a whole year of eating out for every meal due to my home makeover, I gained a ton of weight. I was the biggest I've ever been. Then my 25th birthday came around and nothing I liked fit or at least not the way I liked. I was determined to get back to the old me, not to mention I was tired of all the pregnancy questions. That's when I decided to call Dolo to see what my options were. No matter how much I complained and laughed thru a workout, he always got me to push myself. Then I started asking to try and do things the harder way, he loved that! Needless to say, I am loving my results and new muscles.
​I knew Doyen from work and knew of his personal training through casual conversation and others speaking on their success through "The Dolo Way". I'm not out of shape but always kept this information in the back of my mind. One day a few months back I got a call from a law enforcement agency telling me they needed me to do a physical in order to get the job, the physical included a 1.5 mile run and several other running/sprinting exercises. I'm not one to be on the track so I called Doyen ASAP! My 1st day of training I threw up my lunch and couldn't even finish one lap on the track! Through A LOT of HARD WORK and Doyen's attention to detail and knowledge of the human body and how it responds to exercise I was able to improve my mechanics and actually just passed the physical test and will be starting my new career soon! If you're reading this and have been thinking of hiring a trainer I'm here to say just do it! Don't wait, it doesn't fall from the sky, you have to go get it and in my opinion Doyen is the perfect person to show you how to go get it!!!
-Ariel P.
Dolo has been a great motivator and friend for over the past year. He has played a huge role in helping me to make a lifestyle change. His passion for what he does is displayed through his commitment and sometimes the tough love he gives his clients when we don't have the courage to pull through. I'm not quite where I want to be just yet, but with him assisting me in this journey, I know that I am not far from my goal. He knows my strengths and abilities even when I don't. A phenomenal trainer and even better friend!
-Greg J.
Before I came to Dolo's workout classes I thought I knew it all and I thought I was in shape. Man was I wrong. I knew from the first time I took his class that I was going to join and I was going to take my fitness to the next level. Now, some months later I'm in the FDNY Fire academy and I can honestly say that if it wasn't for the training and classes I received from Dolo I definitely would not survive. Keep doing your thing big homie!
-Jessica L.
Before i met Dolo i have never really worked out (aside from yoga in high school). My weight started to increase and i decided to make a change and needed help so i found Dolo. I had gone through 3 trainers and he was the MOST supportive and the most helpful. Before i met him running on the treadmill was impossible for me but now it is part of my routine thanks to him. His workouts are absolutely crazy but he never lets me quit, even though i always want to and that's my the motivation that i need. I fit into a large for the first time in about 6-7 yrs and its thanks to him.
-Natasha B.
If I needed to rate Doyen's passion and love for what he does, his score would tip off the scale! During the summer of 2012, I decided to start training for a 5k for my ill-father. Doyen increased my running pace, built my stamina and taught me techniques that I could use once training was complete. Although the 5k was cancelled due to Hurricane Sandy, Doyen instilled in me a greater level of commitment to fitness and my overall health (he forced me into better eating habits). Just go 'head & do it the dolo way!
-Petula S.
"Intrinsically motivating, ever evolving"- I joined Dolo's Fitness July 2014. I found the classes invigorating and the trainers push you to do your best. I like the flexibility of the classes and variety. Dolo's fitness is a "classroom" for better health and better you. I consider myself to be a fragile person and am challenged with some health ailments, however, I find myself hopping, limping or gasping on my way to the next class. It didn't occur to me that this is what I was searching for to get to where I want to be. They push you to expand your capacity beyond the comfort zone of complacency.
-Carol W.
-Sacha P.
Started with you about a year ago off and on and I've grown to admire you ! Your drive is beyond words plus your motivation is beyond workouts. At first I really wanted to give up it was hard but you were determined to get me to where I need to be or atleast a comfortable place whether it was altering the workouts due to past injuries or our talks about eating right and staying on track or simply not giving up when I'm being difficult. Keep being one of thee best trainers I've ever encountered even tho I give you a super hard time it's all love and workouts of course !
-Christina M.
Most people he trains call him Dolo. I call him Doyen. Why is that important? Because it's a simple example of his versatility and openness to a different way of doing things. More explicitly, I live in Texas, haven't trained at high intensity for seven years, and had an injury that pretty much kept me off a track for years. Doyen was willing to train me remotely, offering his time via phone and Skype to track my progress, encourage me, and ensure I'm comfortable with and knowledgeable about my training regimen. Even better, he listens to my concerns and reports, and adjusts my program accordingly. Case in point: I've yet to run on any surface; he's helping me build my muscles and stamina through weight training and pool workouts. He never questioned my goal, but rather got straight to work with me, and here I am seven weeks later, excited about our upcoming progress. I highly recommend Doyen for those wanting to seek seemingly unattainable goals whether in- or out-of-state.
-Cheyvonne T.
Attending Dolos fitness is one of the greatest life changing decisions I've made. I started Dolos fitness boot camp class in April 2014. Before then I was occasionally jogging but it wasn't nearly as intense and did not give me the results I wanted. I found the fitness class on Instagram on a friends page. I started to follow his page, and one day I saw that he had a class meeting on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I decided to go. My first day attending the class I found it very difficult and challenging, but when I got home I made a pledge to myself that I would try the class for three months and If I don't see results I would stop. However, since then I am now 26lbs lighter, I lost significant inches from my waist , went down two to three dress size and I feel great. I have gained another level of confidence and I am satisfied with the consistent change. Dolos fitness has become a big part of my life and I am more then grateful for that and I will continue my fitness challenge. Now I can finally say that I am addicted to fitness and I love it.
-Nomi H.
I believe it was winter of 2013 I came across Dolo's fitness page. I needed some help as my wedding was that summer.
I've already had my share of trainers, and I was not looking forward to the yelling or cursing that I've experienced in the past but I braced myself and made the call. The initial conversation I was hooked.
Dolo is a different kind of trainer. Dolo truly cares about his clients, their well being and their progress. He doesn't use scare tactics, he doesn't down talk you. Dolo is an encourager, who supports and pushes you.
At times I get tired of the cliché phrases but they truly work.
Dolo's way truly works, if you put in the WORK!!!
-Grace M.
I am thoroughly enjoying my work out exercises with Dolo. He has excellent working relationships with the other coaches and with the students , which allows me to be very comfortable . Dolo also brings a high level of energy to everything he does , while encouraging me to have a clear focus, and pursue the workout with seriousness and dedication. I am also impressed by the way in which Dolo is able to modify some of the moves because I am a " matured adult ".I am very happy to be a part of Dolo 's exercise group.
-Carla W.
I have never been an athletic person or a health food junkie…and I still am not. I definitely go through periods where I wish I didn’t have to work “so hard” to achieve a particular weight loss goal. I also look in the mirror often and say “I want my cheerleading body back”. There came a point though, where I decided I needed to do SOMETHING differently if I ever wanted to finally look in the mirror proudly. I was referred to Dolo by my god-sister who has known him for years and has been training with him for a very long time. I’ve worked with a few trainers before, and Dolo is by far my favorite just because no one has EVER pushed me in the way that he does. His workouts are not easy, nor should they be. He has a very no-nonsense attitude, which makes me think “Okay, he’s not joking”, and that forces me to just get the exercise done, even if it’s a little slower than we’d ideally like, even if I’m completely breathless at the end of it. Dolo cares very much about progress, not perfection, and since it’s a process, he’s realistic – he realizes that everyone is different but simultaneously, he won’t accept mediocrity, especially when he knows what you’re capable of. Since I started working out with Dolo, I prepare my lunches for work every week, we talk about food what I’m eating, and I feel confident enough to go to a gym by myself. Stepping into a gym used to give me anxiety as I watched men and women with perfect bodies do seemingly complicated moves that I thought I couldn’t and the result was feelings of shame and inadequacy. Now, when I’m not in a session with Dolo or doing kickboxing, I’ll just take bits and pieces from workouts I do with him. Boom. There’s your one hour workout at the gym! No guess work. I’m constantly learning too, because we don’t do the same things over and over. Literally when I think that workouts can’t get any more challenging or crazy, Dolo proves me wrong. Once I reach my goal, I’ll continue working with him because I like having someone who motivates me in that comes as more of a challenge for me, and holds me accountable to the commitments I’ve made to being responsible about my health. I can absolutely stay the course if I have moral support, which is what I get from Dolo.
-Tyrone B.
10 weeks ago (August 2015) I finally found the courage to signup with my good friend Dolo and have him train me. This is after watching him transform and save many lives over the past few years. 10 weeks ago I had a simple goal to lose a little weight and to get toned within 1 year. With Dolo's help and guidance, I have met and surpassed that goal in a quarter of the time. Law School destroyed my body! But Dolo is building it back.
The amazing thing about Dolo is that he holds you accountable; he meets you where you are; and he establishes a program that is designed to get you EXACTLY what you're looking for.
10 weeks ago I could barely slow jog a quarter mile without stopping, now I am running a mile and a half in under 7 mins as my warmup.
If you want to look and feel AMAZING... Sign up for Dolo's Fitness... It's worth every penny!
-Janelle L.
Training with Dolo was exactly what I needed to get back in shape. Dolo took great care to plan my routines; over the course of twelve months I don't recall doing the same routine twice. Switching up the plan as well as giving me the extra push I needed when I would get "distracted" helped me reach my fitness goal and beyond. I highly recommend Dolo to anyone looking to get back in shape or simply in need of a change in their fitness routine.
-Yajaira T.
Where do I start! Dolo is just awesome! I never thought I would love to exercise the way I do now. Dolo taught me how to make it part of my lifestyle. He helped me reach my goal in strength and helped me get toned. It's not always about the appearance, it's about how you feel inside and to be able to walk up my flight of stairs without dying is the best gift in the world. Thank you :)
Your favorite dominican client
-Jamie W.
In May 2016, I noticed my teaching staff was feeling the end of year school burnout. They are the hardest working staff I know, but it was catching up with them. They needed an activity that would not only bring them together as a staff, but also restore confidence, boost energy, and have some good old fun. Dolo's Boot Camp was the answer. As a lover of fitness, I knew that this type of activity would do the trick to bring the staff back to life, and Dolo was up for the challenge. He had forty minutes to challenge 15 teachers of varying ages and physical ability on a Monday afternoon in the school gym. Dolo designed a specific workout around these parameters, using circuit training with just body weight. The key about his workout was that much of it revolved around partner exercises. Teachers were working together during most of the workout, as many of the exercises could only be completed with both partners focused and engaged. This workout was much more than exercise - it was a team building activity.
The feedback from teachers was enormous. Everyone left feeling accomplished and the positive reviews came for many days after. Teachers raved about how the workout made them feel strong, confident and closer to their colleagues. Some also mentioned soreness, hehe, which means the workout worked! Dolo has been requested to return to the school ASAP!
I am looking forward to working with Dolo again this year to set up additional sessions for my staff.
I came to you hoping that you could take me where I needed to be in order to pass a physical for a job. I absolutely had little to no faith that it was even possible to push myself to the limit as you did. All the positive words and feed back that you gave really gave me the motivation I needed to keep going. I don’t think I would have been able to have passed that physical without you, your definitely worth every penny and more for the results that I received. Your very talented with your craft and a God sent to anyone looking for a trainer!
-Darius G.
Working with Dolo was a blessing....I lost all my motivation when dealing with working out and he slowly built it up, day by day workout by workout....there was no workout that was the same....my body was always shocked, whenever I thought I got it, and I can handle it.... boom....he test the body to another level...I achieved my goal, more importantly I'm still working out on my own and I'm never looking back....I recommend Dolo to any and everyone....Dolo does not have any generic workouts he sees what you can do, your strengths your weaknesses and work from there.....It was a pleasure, and I will forever be a Dolo fitness member.....keep up the great work....Thank You
-Bunmi O.
Dolo is the BEST! When I started personal training sessions with him, I had a few physical limitations and health issues. Dolo made sure to tailor my workouts to avoid aggravating my bad knees while simultaneously strengthening the muscles surrounding my knees for better support. And he is a full service trainer! Dolo provides a listing of healthy eating options that supplemented my workouts. In two months, I was down over 10 lbs and I was a lot stronger than I was when I started training with him. I had more energy and I just felt better overall. Dolo is the way to go!
-Cintiana E.
Im not a gym/fitness person at all. Thus why I felt I needed a trainer to help get me started on my journey and goals. I think i definitely made the right choice by picking Dolo. He is very passionate and knowledgeable about fitness . He worked with me at a beginners level and pushed me to my new 'limit' every week. He doesn't like the word 'I can't' or self imposed limitations. I appreciated that because if it wasn't for his patience and enthusiasm, I would have given up. After 3 sessions a week for three months, i was tired but very satisfied. I am 4 months post session with him and have maintained my goals due to his great training/teaching ability. I proudly go to the gym with confidence and knowledge to have an effective workout all by myself :-D . I am very happy with my lasting results, my family and close friends have noticed a change in me and lifestyle.
Thanks Dolo.
You Rock
-Arlene R.
“Dolooooo, I’m tired,” was often my battle cry as his trainee. He would reply, “ You’re suppose be tired, now let’s finish this set!” His patience and encouragement served as motivation. Even when I wanted to give up, he would never give up on me. Dolo is also a good listener and observer incorporating some exercises and routines that I preferred without compromising the workout. You’re going to work hard, but it will be worth it!
-Sharon G.
Working with Dolo was truly a pleasure with some pain but it was well worth it. Dolo is passionate about fitness and dedicated to helping you reach your goals. He challenges you, pushes you beyond your comfort level, and encourages you all at the same time. Dolo is a true professional at his craft and I highly recommend him if you are ready to invest in your health. Thanks Dolo for all your support.
-Rose W.
I want to say thanks Dolo for working with me. You're patience and understanding was what impressed me the most. You knew I wasn't a spring chicken and you pushed me but with patience. Because of you I look at exercise differently. You will be glad to know I am keeping off the weight that I lost.
-Belkys R.
Training with Dolo is honestly the real deal. I've trained with him twice before, and I've gotten great results. I "relapsed" and went a second time because I got lazy once summer was over, but working out with him showed me that it is honestly a lifestyle. What you put in, is what you get. He can give you meal plans and suggestions on what to eat to keep you on track, but it's up to you to actually do it. During the workout sessions, you literally almost do different things every time, so it isn't boring. With time and growth he pushes your body to do more, which is tough yet not overwhelming where you'll feel like you're going to pass out. He's extremely helpful whenever you text him and ask him questions regarding things to eat or workouts to do when you're working out on your own time. You just have to be physically and mentally prepared to start this new change so that you can have great results and reach your goal.
-Tiffany C.
Fitness is a lifestyle and passion for Dolo. The dedication and motivation transcends him from a trainer to a fitness guru. The energy he exudes helps to make your fitness journey a safe and easy one. So there was no questioning who would put me back on that journey once I had my first child. Dolo helped to change my lifestyle once before and it was that same passion, encouragement, and support I was drawn to once more. Again, I was not disappointed and within weeks I felt and looked better than I had in a long time. He is a fitness champion and I am a lifetime supporter of his brand!
When I joined the PAC PLEX (now BKLA) I didn’t expect this to be the place where I would want to stay committed to a healthier lifestyle. BKLA offers an abundance of fitness classes like cycling, swimming, and cross training to keep the its members engaged with a need to challenge themselves physically and mentally. After a workout you may feel tired but satisfied because you just did something amazing with the help of trained instructors. Most importantly I decided to give personal training a chance with Dolo fitness in hopes of wanting to lose weight and become stronger. One year later, I can now say that he has helped me achieve my goals and implement clean eating and exercising for a better lifestyle.
I started my fitness journey with Doyen Grant a.k.a. “Dolo” on January 7, 2019 after being referred by a friend. I originally started this journey with goals of getting wedding dress and swim suit ready for my destination wedding. On my first day of training with Dolo I was super excited and nervous all at the same time. Excited to finally meet and train with the man himself, that I watched on Instagram for so many months before I found the courage to embark upon my own fitness journey. And nervous because although I really wanted this. I was also scared that I would fail myself and wouldn’t be able to handle the challenges that come with becoming more physically fit.
It has been seven months and the changes I see in my body are absolutely incredible. My strength and endurance has increased tremendously. I am lifting heavier weights and taking fewer breaks during cardiovascular exercises. My friends and family are showering me with compliments on how much weight I lost and how tone and tight my body looks. I attribute all my accomplishments to Dolo’s holistic personal training style. Before every session his first question to me is “what did you eat today”. He doesn’t only concentrate on the physical aspect of training he also trains his clients on how to adapt healthy eating habits with his detox soup and meal prep services.
I started this journey to look good and feel confident on my wedding day however, this experience has transformed into much more than just being wedding dress ready. This experience has changed my life and, I will continue to set goals and accomplish them all with My favorite trainer “Dolo” by my side.